Wednesday, December 13, 2006

record breaking!!

erm. i just got back from kch today. i mean tonight. few hours ago. quite tired. today, for the first time in life-i've been 'lepak'ing in the airport like for 6hrs!! dun want to go into detail about the story for today's events- at least for now. maybe some other time. insyaAllah. i think the title would be- things can be done in an airport for 6 consecutive hours. hehe.
okies. alhamdulillah. i went off to kch safely. stayed in kch safely. and came back to miri safely. educamp was ok. i had fun and enjoyed it very much. after leaving the camp, fakhrul kept saying something like.."we'll be missing the camp.."-ergh. he did influenced me. i was quite sad thinking about leaving the camp. i made new friends. a couple of friends became very close to us (ktdthb students..especially myself la). we discussed and exchanged tips/information a lot. we lepak together in [asylla-valerie-nurul-mira]'s room. i also met my old friend that i mention earlier on.
erm. great experience. alhamdulillah, i have the courage to speak in english (during the group discussion la. couldn't escape eh. the head of faci (ada iras2 ferhad la his face) walked around the groups and said "..ENGLISH PLEASE.."). tapi, yang confirm, memang lintang-pukang la bahasa. tapi tak kisah la. at least i realised that there are people out there who are facing such difficulties like me. hehe. but it was a great feeling. when we finally got the guts to overcome our fear. eventhough not hollistically. i totally agree with Billi Lim (the author of Dare To Fail).
walau bagaimanapun, i won't speak in english with people that i've known for long whom i used to klaka sarawak with them. ALHAMDULILLAH.
erk. i've written so-so in my book about my daily life during the camp. tak larat nak dikongsikan dalam 'penaipan'ku malam ini. ngantuk. malam pun dah lewat. tgh malam even.
okies. yang baik datangnya dari ALLAH. yang buruk tu, aku sendiri yang buruk dan banyak khilaf. chow! ZzZzZz..


Terence said...

i know exactly what u can do at the airport for 6 hours..walking around.. browsing thru the stores which sell nth interesting.. go to the very clean toilets which is practically nothing! :P

Anonymous said...

Aku jwak disalahkang! T.T
haha tapi memang rindu ah..