Friday, May 11, 2007

kesiankah Podachit?

haha. just wondering...does Podachit really have a good friend? no need to talk about being the best friend, i bet Podachit's so-called friend don't even qualify as a good friend. sounds cruel eh? sorry seh. we are neither a good friend to our friends also.

how to measure a friend is a good friend or a bad friend?

simple, a friend is someone who cares for Podachit. who wants the best for Podachit. now and hereafter.

pathetic, if Podachit considers a friend is someone who is always willing to hear to Podachit. to wipe Podachit's tears. who speak softly to Podachit. who will never hurt Podachit.

if Podachit doesn't want to be hurt, Podachit will never find a true friend. if Podachit accepts someone as Podachit's friend, what Podachit should expect from Podachit's friend is 'amar ma'ruf nahi munkar'. i know, easier said than done. yeap, sometimes there are certain things that were wrong that Podachit was never had the courage to speak it to Podachit's friend. if that is the case, it is because Podachit did the same mistake too. so, at this point then Podachit can say about.."that's what a friend is for.."

friends should be a complement to each other. what kind of complement? Podachit should remind Podachit's friends if they did something wrong or things that are forbidden. maksiat. and a good friend of Podachit must also reminds Podachit if Podachit did something wrong and which is forbidden. why should Podachit do so? and why should Podachit's friend also? so that they will become the true friend fiddunya wal akhirah.

this is the fact that i really hate. making me sad. forgetting the sadness after a little while of happiness. temporarily happiness. the happiness to hide the untruthfulness. Podachit's friend was kind to Podachit. Podachit's friend never talk bad behind Podachit. Podachit was also very kind to Podachit's friend. Podachit's friend said that Podachit is angelic. Podachit smiles. with a broken heart. what was that words for? don't Podachit's friend realise that Podachit is not angelic, actually? nobody is angelic. except for malaikat serta nabi dan rasul yang maksum.

do you understand that feeling, like what Podachit is feeling, the feelings when Podachit knows that Podachit's friend is doing bad things, still, Podachit laugh together with Podachit's friend. just because Podachit's friend has never done bad things to Podachit and never talk bad about Podachit doesn't mean Podachit can give all the green-lights to Podachit's friend to continue doing inappropriate and fobidden things. right? what the herghkt is that? tutup sebelah mata? ignorance? does a friend ignore? don't you think that Podachit is actually ignoring Podachit's friend? don't you think that Podachit never cares if Podachit's friend is going to suffer in the hereafter life due to all the wrong-doings that was by done by Podachit's friend in this life? neraka to be specific. is it neither Podachit nor Podachit's friend believe about the judgement day? don't you think that Podachit is neglecting Podachit's responsibility in 'amar ma'ruf, nahi munkar'? what do you feel if you're Podachit? neglecting + ignorance. under the mask of kindness, caring, happiness, and maybe friendship.

there is this one book. written by Prof. Yusuf al-Qardhawi. i only managed to read the first few subtopics in the book. i left the book at my house in miri. honestly, i feel the book contains a very heavy writings. maybe that's why i stop reading the book at the moment, because i'm not ready yet. shame on me! completing the book means gaining some knowledge, and also realising that as a the servants of Rabb, we have a bigger responsibility than what we know all this time. knowing what our responsibilities are meaning we should move towards fulfilling the responsibilities. about the responsibilities and priorities of a muslim. there are some stages of priority that a muslim should know. well, i forgot the order. but one of the top priorities are our ummah. after Allah and Rasulullah. in that book, he said that, nowadays there are so many muslims don't know what their priorities are. eventhough they know what their responsibilities are ; meaning rukun islam n rukun iman ; doesn't mean they know their priorities.

in one of his example, he said that many millionaires and billionaires went to perform their umrah and haji every year. they make performing haji as their annual activity. they even sponsored some of the poor to perform umrah and haji. no doubt that this is a good deed. the question is, are they putting their priorities right? in rukun Islam, performing haji is a must, but dengan syarat : berkemampuan dari segi fizikal dan kewangan. this is where people have put their priorities not in the right place.

kewajipan menunaikan haji telahpun dipenuhi memadailah dengan menunaikan haji buat kali pertama. ya, tidak salah jika ada orang-orang yang berkemampuan untuk melakukan haji buat kali kedua, ketiga, dan seterusnya. tetapi, alangkah lebih molek, jika sumber yang digunakan untuk menunaikan haji berkali-kali itu disalurkan untuk membina sekolah-sekolah. rumah anak-anak yatim. mahupun membantu Palestin yang dianiaya kafir laknatullah. hal ini kerana, antara 2 kebaikan yang dituntut iaitu, menunaikan haji dan memabangunkan ummah, ternyata pembangunan ummah lah yang lebih utama. ummah akan sejahtera jika ummah membangun. ummah perlu kekuatan untuk bangkit menentang penindasan. ummah perlu berilmu untuk maju.

hanya setakat itu yang telah aku baca. :(

apa-apa pun, sama-samalah kita berusaha ke arahnya. andai di suatu ketika, kita hilang punca, kembalilah pada tujuan sebenar hidup kita.

cuma ingin merefleksi, sejauh mana yang telah dilakukan diri-diri kita yang khilaf ini dalam memenuhi tanggungjawab terhadap ummah. kita mungkin mampu melaksanakan amar ma'ruf, tetapi mengatakan nahi munkar seolah-olah tersekat di pangkal kerongkong. hendak dimuntahkan, tetapi lebih rela ditelan semula kerana malu yang tidak diletakkan pada tempat yang sebetulnya!

malu kerana diri kita tidak layak untuk menegakkannya tetapi tidak malu pula atas perbuatan kita yang menyebabkan kita tidak layak untuk menyempurnakannya. jadi, sentiasa, segalanya bermula dalam diri kita. jika tiada orang ingin berubah demi diri kita, maka kita perlunya berubah untuk diri kita sekalipun kita akan menjadi sebahagian yang asing daripada diri mereka. biar asing pada pandangan manusia, jangan asing pada pandangan Pencipta. kerana pada-Nya lah kembalinya kita.

sesungguhnya, coretan ini adalah untuk peringatan dari diriku untuk diriku. jika sudi berkongsi bersama, tiada jua salahnya. andai kalian melihat diri ini bicara sahaja tanpa pernah melaksana, cebiklah diri ini, malukanlah diri ini, di depan diri ini agar diri ini tidak alpa.

jangan mudah menghukum sehingga melupa hukum yang telah ditentukan-Nya.



dumplings and pau said...

Sya, nok pasal Podachit ya apa sya?
Walaupun bercampur english and bm and sarawak, nyaman mata kamek baca. Artikel ka?
Banyak kebenarannya juak. Macam, menyentuh secara halus. Our duties as a friend and so on.
Anddd, kamek sik tauk pun pasal haji berkali2 ya. Bena ya. Buang duit pegi 2-3 kali. Not to anok la, tapi considering pegi haji ya bukannya murah and everything.
Btw, thank you for the wish! kmk try reply kat chatbox kitak ya tp xpat. Kip in tac I will, hehe. Mun tukar nombor padah kmk k. Since hp kitak ilang AGIK :P

syashot said...


hehe. zouk. taip jak la. erm, bukan dari artikel tp blog orang. kira ciplak la juak. hehe.

engkah chatbox kat blog ktk, sng org mk post short msg klak.. ;P

insyaAllah, kmk x tuka DiGi, mun xda aral melintang, kmk renew simkad guna no. sama..hehe..
(iklan jap : DiGi always the smarter choice)

huhu..nang xda jodoh ngan hp ya..doakan kmk dpt jodoh hp yg bait2..hehe..

p/s :nok haji ya baru sigek cth jak. mun mk detail bole try baca buk ya..tapi kmk lupak tajuk nya..mun x slh: fiqh keutamaan..
